Sunday, September 19, 2010


As I have become more open-minded, I have wondered about things, paranormal things. Mostly about myself and my interest in abilities that I don't have now. Like being able to sense spirits, or being psychic, or having some connection to the supernatural in some fashion. Is there a 'gift' or ability that I am closest to having?

When I was younger I had a few incidents of dreaming where I would be doing something, and then it would happen in real life a few days later. At the time I didn't understand it. It creeped me out a little. Thinking back on it I kind of wish I knew enough to work at developing this ability. But like a lot of things that may happen to us as children, and we loose because we 'grow out' of it, this too was left to die on the vine as it were.

One thing I would like to work on is my dreaming. I have been reading on the internet that when we dream, we are in the astral plane. It is the same as the spirit realm, I have read. I will have to do more research on this.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Other People's Personal Accounts

Currently working through Communion by Whitley Stieber. Interesting, a lot of it is spent relaying his experiences of his encounters with "the visitors", as he calls them, under hypnosis. Lots of detail of the events that started the book, and more events throughout his life. 

I want to finish this book and maybe move on to his second book after Communion. I don't know what the title of it is right now. I also want to read through Erich VonDaniken's Chariots of the Gods books, as well as the Area 51 series. Not much to do at all, eh? The way I read, that will keep me busy for years.